Thursday, 14 June 2012

Resep Masakan – Sandwich

An exceptional breakfast sandwich that can
utilize the previous night’s roasted meats and
vegetables. You can use corned beef with
potatoes and onions, roasted turkey with
beets or apples, or pork loin with caramelized
root vegetables. The possibilities are endless.
 Serves: 4


1 onion, small, diced ¼ in.
1 Tbsp butter, unsalted
1 tsp Chefnique Pâté Spice or other poultry
spice blend
1¼ cups corned beef brisket or other roasted meat,
diced ¼ in.
½ cup mixed roasted or boiled vegetables,
diced ¼ in.
1 Tbsp bacon fat or unsalted butter (or use nonfat
vegetable-based spray, if desired)

2 tomatoes, medium size, ripe
3 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
Freshly ground black pepper

4 eggs, large
1 Tbsp butter, unsalted
4 English muffins, toasted and buttered
Freshly ground black pepper
8 oz Welsh Rarebit Sauce (see Chef’s Pantry)*

1. In a small sauté pan, sauté the onion in the
butter until it becomes translucent.
2. Add the spice blend and season with salt
and pepper. Transfer to a mixing bowl and
cool to room temperature. Add the meat
and vegetables and mix very well.
3. Portion the mixture into 4 equal patties,
using buttered ring molds, if desired.
4. In a large cast iron or nonstick sauté pan,
heat the bacon fat over medium heat.
Sauté the patties for 3 minutes on each side
or until a golden crust develops.

1. Using a serrated knife, trim the top and
bottom of each tomato so they are flat at
both ends. Cut each tomato in half
horizontally and place the pieces in a small
mixing bowl. Toss with 3 Tbsp olive oil,
salt, and pepper.
*All references to pantry refer to Chapter
15, Chef Leonard’s Pantry.

2.  Place the pieces in a baking dish and set
under the broiler for 3 minutes or until
the tomatoes just begin to soften. Remove
the dish from the broiler and allow the
tomatoes to cool for 5 minutes.

3.  Using a small knife, remove a small portion
of the center of each tomato half to form
a small well. Reserve the tomato centers
for service.

4. In a small mixing bowl, combine the panko
with the remaining olive oil and Italian
seasoning. Fill each tomato half with an
equal amount of the bread crumb mixture.

5. At time of service, place the tomatoes and
reserved tomato cuttings onto a baking
dish and place under a preheated broiler
for 3–5 minutes or until the bread crumbs
are nice and golden brown.

6. Serve each sandwich with 1 stuffed tomato
and a portion of the heated tomato cutting.


1. In a large cast iron or nonstick pan, fry the
eggs in the butter.
2. Place the toasted English muffin bottoms
on a plate and stack with tomato, hash,
and egg.
3. Pour the sauce over the sandwich fillings.
Cover with the English muffin tops

Resep Masakan – Kerupuk Ceker Ayam

Bahan :
  •  Kaki / Ceker Ayam Potong /  Broiler 1 Kg
  •  Garam Dapur 1 Sendok Makan
  •  Bawang Putih Lokal 10 siung
  •  Asam Cuka 1 Sendok Teh/sendok kecil
  •  Bumbu Penyedap Masakan Secukupnya
Peralatan yang dibutuhkan:
Wajan, Baskom, Sendok, Minyak Kelapa, Kompor, Saringan.

  • Cara Membuat :
  • Fase 1: Potong-potong Kaki ayam yang akan di jadikan bahan baku kerupuk, dibersihkan dan di potong kukunya, rebus dan seduh dengan air selama kurang lebih 10 menit(air seduhan/ rebusan harus banyak sampai kaki ayam mengambang), kemudian tiriskan.
  • Fase 2 : Setelah agak dingin, kulit luar dibuang, dilakukan pembedahan dengan pisau, ambil kulit dan sisihkan urat/ dagingnya dan tulang-tulangnya di buang.
  • Fase 3 : Kulit ayam dipilih dengan  daging/ urat, dalam jumlah banyak diberi bumbu dan garam secukupnya.
  •  Fase 4 : Kulit yang telah diberi bumbu dijemur dengan nampan, tempat jemur, begitu pula urat tadi, setelah diberi bumbu dijemur dengan nampan, tempat jemurm begitu pula urat tadi, setelah diberi bumbu lalu dijemur(penjemuran kulit kaki ayam hanya butuh waktu 24 jam) sedangkan untuk urat daging waktu 2 hari, sampai diperoleh kaki ayam dan urat daging yang mentah dan kering.
  • Fase 5 :  Goreng dalam minyak panas sampai berwarna gading (kekuning-kuningan) angkat dan tiriskan.
  • Fase 6 : Masih dalam keadaan pasas ditempat tirisan, dapat ditaburkan bumbu penyedap rasa Royco/ Masako dan lain-lain.
  • Fase 7 : untuk 1 kg kaki ayam akan diperoleh kerupuk kaki ayam kurang lebih 1 - 1,5 ons. Untuk memperoleh rasa yang afdol sebaiknya kaki ayam diberi / ditaburkan bumbu pada saat kulit masih  basah (sebelum dijemur)